Client conversations: meet Zoya
This post is is the second in my new client conversations series. I’m lucky enough to train really diverse and interesting folk with all...

Keeping it complex
When it comes to training regimes I'm a big fan of keeping it complex. Sound counter-intuitive? Let me explain. I believe we need to...

Client conversations: meet Hudan
This post is is the first in my new client conversations series. I’m lucky enough to train really diverse and interesting folk with all...

The art and science of pain: chats at the pub with KindaThinky
Earlier this month I was asked to be on a podcast called Kindathinky, hosted by Rod Lamberts and Will Grant. The show isn't what you'd...

My thoughts on "sweat working"
I recently read an article about “sweat-working”, and it got me thinking about the many physical, psychological and social benefits of...

A reflection on Yuri Marmerstein’s Handbalancing Seminar – Canberra 2015
I was lucky enough to host Yuri Marmestein this month for a full day hand balancing workshop at Elements Fitness while he was on tour in...

Kids and Parents Capoeira Course - 1 March 2015
After the highly successful and super fun inaugural Kids and Parents Capoeira Course, I'm pleased to invite you to join us on 1 March for...

Handstand challenge
Even though I'm able to do a Capoeira style handstand pretty well, a gymnastics hand stand is something completely different, when it...